Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Friends come and go.

This is a painting done by David Blacksmith. It depicts a WindigoKan. They come out at the Sundance and bless the people. Here the Windigokan is at the Tree of Life. A lot of symbolism in this piece. David and his family conduct ceremonies for the people. He has put this picture image on a t-shirt. It is to fundraise for the Sundance they host in Manitoba.

Well it's all good. We have friends when we are kids and meet new ones as we go along in life. Our attitudes change, and we go in different directions.
I have many friends that no longer are my friends. Just kind of old acquaintances. That is okay. Some friends are no longer friends. Just people I once knew but no longer know. I love to watch little kids play. I think kids are the best friends to each other when they are young. We got so much to contend with when we are older.

I was a friend, in a superficial way with this woman, Lana. I have now found her to be a bad person. She might think the same way of me, but I know that would only be to justify her actions of betrayal. She betrayed a mutual friend. A friend that she once called her lover. Me I thought she was funny and tried to hard to be smart. You know the type, hard working to be in the know, but not having natural smarts, and a bit naive at times. I know that sounds cruel but that is the way it is with some people. My friend Earl & I use to make sport of her, not malicious, but make fun because she tried so hard. I did like her. Now I don't think I would give her the time of the day. Never mind pee on her if she was burning. Ah I think that is a bit much, I just don't think I would talk to her again. Which is sad and bad but we can't always be forgiving.

I was friends with relatives and will always be relatives to them, but for some reason don't visit with them anymore. Some of these relatives were really close as we grew up. I guess life takes you in different directions. I remember when we were younger we spent a lot of time with our friends and family. Now as I am older I spend most of my time with my immediate family; wife, kids and grandkids. I miss visiting with other friends, but that is okay. I am sure they are appreciating their families as well. I view some of these long time friends as crazy people. :D Some friends it is a blessing that they are no longer in my life. Or a blessing for them that I am no longer in their lives. For many we have just gone down (cliche here) different roads, different paths or just different ways.

Many times I feel real bad that my friends are gone. I have a lot of good thoughts about them and hope they remember good times we had.
Like tonight, I miss my friends, I miss my boy. He was my good friend.

1 comment:

  1. Today and even more so I am missing my boy. How I know it has been a while now, but the hurt is real. Real hard.


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