Tuesday, July 23, 2019

It's Time!!! & Time To Rumble!

The Assembly of First Nations, the AFN  is having an assembly to discuss things, Indian things in Canada. Not sure what kind of things but important things.  Canada has a lot going with the Indians. The bad water is big thing in Indian country and kids are getting sick. The Canadian government wants to put an oil pipeline in the territory of Indian Lands. Women are getting killed like they are disposable and not worth a nickel. Indians, especially the young are killing themselves, out pacing everyone else. Hatred towards Indians and other Brown people is escalating.  Not sure of what things the AFN is tackling but they are important that is for sure.

AFN relies solely on the Canadian government for their life-line. No Canadian government and there is no AFN. The biggest thing the AFN does is ask for money. AFN is beholden to the Chiefs of Canada because it is the Chiefs who put them there.

There are many First Nation citizens who are not really happy with AFN. There is a huge group who feel the AFN is not defending or protecting the long term Rights of the Indian people. What can be done if the status quo does not have the support of the people?  Well, I know me. Time for the AFN to grow a pair of hairy ones. When every the Canadian government has an election AFN says "we work with anyone in power." A cowardly sentiment. AFN is too dependent on the good will of which ever government is in control. The Canadian government in this situation has all the power. AFN is nothing more than a beggar at the gates of the castle. Embarrassing to anyone who recognizes this fact, glorified beggars.  AFN needs to be radicalized. Radicalized is a term meant to demonize any movement to criticize the status quo and powers which control.  AFN needs to embrace a more determined and stronger approach to dealing with government.

Let's face it, the current situation is not good for the Indian. The Indian made deals which are all broken and it is getting worse. The country of Canada is very young but already in the short time, they have attempted to destroy and kill off the Indians. It didn't work so now they appease the situation with crumbs of their ill gotten spoils. AFN should not be saying we will work with anyone. They should be saying "we are going to shut down all the resource extraction activity in this country, until Canada shares 50% of the revenue. How is it anyway that private corporations and citizens have control of the resources which rightly belong to First Nations.

The act of defiance will be painful and could become brutal. It is time to take a stand. The world is changing and its changing for the worse. There will be a time when the king's and queen's are going to say No to the so called beggars. First Nations should not be beggars in their own land, their own home. Our people have become so out of touch we feast on our own. We prey on our own and we end up killing ourselves. Two weeks ago my nephew was brutalized by a few thugs. They took a hammer to his hand, threatened to kill him, hit him with an axe, and took his identification. Told him they would end him if he went to the cops. This is a not uncommon where we use brutal violence on our own. We can not continue with this self destruction of hurting ourselves and our leaders begging our their knees.

Time for AFN to change from begging and asking for handouts to demanding back the resources. AFN should spend its time organizing disruption, planning and even destruction of the status quo. Which means Canada should stop being comfortable in destroying the country. Time for Canada to change how it steals from the First Nations. Time for First Nations to put road blocks to all traffic, all commerce and to give up their lives for their great grandchildren.

"The role of the National Chief and the AFN is to advocate on behalf of First Nations as directed by Chiefs-in-Assembly.  This includes facilitation and coordination of national and regional discussions and dialogue, advocacy efforts and campaigns, legal and policy analysis, communicating with governments, including facilitating relationship building between First Nations and the Crown as well as public and private sectors and general public."

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