There is this Chief (or
former Chief) of Osoyoos Indian Band in British Columbia. This Chief is an
awesome success story. He has taken a small Native community - a Reserve and
made it in a prosperous business juggernaut in beautiful Okanagan Valley.
He is a very successful leader and has done great things. The surrounding
communities love him as well as the Government of Canada. The success of the
Osoyoos Indian Band is incredible. It is a great success story when you compare
the Osoyoos Band to many other Bands in Canada, especially Bands
in the Prairies. So we should not be surprised when the media, the
government and chambers of commerce trot out Chief Louie to compare and shame
all the lazy shiftless Bands out there in Canada.
Chief Louie has even become and echo chamber for the Government and more precisely, the Right wing Old Stock Canadian. Chief Louie is infamous (in Indian Country and in main stream he is golden) for his "pull up your bootstraps and get a damn job" lazy Indians mantra.
The media loves this guy: A gentle-looking man with greying bangs and an animal-skin vest, he deluged the crowd with morsels of advice that have transformed Osoyoos Indian Band, where he is chief, into a beacon of hope for economically ravaged First Nations. The poetic description carries the grace of a savior in the land of despair. Those words are gold in the White community. We should be all so proud. I mean after all we have a genuine success story going on here. It is what we all hope our communities should be: high employment rates, own source revenue and economic prosperity. That is cool and awesome for Chief Louie and the Osoyoos Band.
So why do I say Chief Clarence Louie can
suck it? Quite frankly, the guy is a douche, a pompous arrogant prick.
Does it seem I am a bit jealous of Chief Louie? Perhaps. I mean the guy has a
good message right? We should all follow his lead and his statements. He took a
poor community and made it a rich community. No doubt this man is talented,
strong and successful.
I guess the baggage I carry is a bit of
an excuse for not exactly embracing the philosophy of Chief Louie. His success
is certain and a great achievement. The bug in my shorts is the constant
comparison between other Reserves. Why not consider their achievement as one of
any community in Canada? There are many communities (non-Indigenous)
out there which barely survive and exist due to
transfer payments. There are dying and Dead
towns which exist all over Canada. So the media wants to hold this one
community to be the threshold for all Reserves to aspire to. Canada itself, has a wide variety of regions governed by different circumstances. The results are
you get the "have and have not" provinces. The Reserves in Canada
operate under a variety of different circumstances as well: extreme climate,
access, geography, resources and population. Louie and company shouting out, "see? this how you do it" is not a true reflection of the overall
situation on Reserves.
The other reason I am not a fan of Chief
Louie is his spitting in the face of our people with his condescending comments
to Indigenous people. He is like the poster child for the racist elite who
can't stand the Indian Nation. They think of us a tax burden and lazy do
nothing segment of society. Never mind that our people have with stood
years of persecution, legislation and societal norms aimed at killing us.
Although the government through the Truth and Reconciliation said the
Indigenous people of Canada have suffered "cultural genocide"
it's still
genocide. Louie discounts the historical
trauma our people have suffered and still stand against. Trauma is
still carried by many of our communities to this day. Economic success is not
sole indicator of a healthy community.
The money flow of a community is another
reason for a stronger economy. With many Reserves there is no money to come in.
Generally, people don't come to the Reserve. The infrastructure (stores and
other amenities) of many Reserves is lacking or non-existent. Business
opportunities are non-existent so how can a community attract the flow of
money? Either the population doesn't support or warrant a viable business. The
consumer base is just not there. And resource extraction can be cost
prohibitive to enter the market. Communities to remain strong, need money to
exchange hands within the community before it leaves. With money leaving the
community and no money coming in, the community remains a hinterland. Hinterland
resource extraction was the recipe for colonialism. Our communities
are still looked at as hinterland.
The people don't get to exchange money in the community. I buy cigarettes off
Barbie, Barbie pays Bobby to watch the till, Bobby spends money at Bennie's
cafe and Bennie gases up at Robs place. Where the Damn Rob goes to the movie in
the nearby town. And the town cinema owner shops in the city. That cash I
started off with is now in Thunder Bay supporting the local economy. Most
Reserves don't have hand to hand money exchange.
At the personal or individual level,
Chief Louie and company (main stream) don't seem to understand the impact of
bullying. Chief Louie uses the bully stance to demean people. The impact of
bullying has devastating consequences. The act of bullying is to crush the
other person. From playground children teasing and pushing other kids to teens
badgering and humiliating peers. The results are the same; a person gets
crushed. Cities are at a loss to stop bullying because of
suicide which bullying can cause. Just think about how much Indigenous
people have endured, have been bullied over the years by governments, justice,
church, school, society and by individuals. The results show up in various
degrees. We have high suicide rates, murder rates, cancer rates, addiction
rates, unemployment and numerous social measurements. So when someone like
Chief Louie says "suck it up", "don't be lazy" I say suck
it Louie. You embarrass yourself and you embarrass us.
I don't know what is worse: The Indian
who amplifies his voice to echo the words of our oppressors or the Indian who
mutes his voice in the presence of our oppressors.
Oppressors being our governments and the
business interests of main stream.
Suck it Louie.
The idea and the promotion of having wealth as the indicator for success is messed up. Not being interested by Indigenous people in acquiring wealth was part of the equation of making it illegal to practice Traditional Worship. It was deemed against the "Victorian etiquette" of acquisition. Today the chase of the dollar has lead to a huge crisis in the world.
I know many successful people, Indigenous and non-Indigenous and their success has nothing to do with affluence. They are successful due to their hard work, kindness, thoughtfulness, open mindedness, generosity, and good character. Has nothing do with their cheque-book. There are many rich folk who are not successful. Just look at the President of the United States. How can anyone say that person is successful. If that's success, that is messed up.
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