Monday, May 9, 2011

News Release: Circle of Life Gathering: life after addictions & suicide

For Immediate Release

Circle of Life Gathering: life after addictions and suicide Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Former Canadian Heavyweight Champion Mr. George Chuvalo and former NHL hockey star Theo Fleury are taking the fight against drugs. May 10 and 11th the Thunderbird House at 715 Main St, will host a Gathering. The Gathering is a volunteer event aimed at people who have suffered the loss of a loved one through suicide and addictions. Chuvalo and Fleury are here because tragedy can happen to anyone and they want to share their experience. Chuvalo has lost family to addictions and suicide. Fleury has come close to suicide because of addictions. Aboriginal Elder Peter Kinew and his brother Elder Fred Kelly share more than just being siblings, they both share the loss of a son through suicide. They are participating in the event to inspire and offer hope to those still grieving.  Betty Laschuk and Marcheta Tanner, co-chairs of the Compassionate Friends of Winnipeg, want survivors of loss to know that there are people in the community that understand what they are going through.  Speakers Chuvalo, Fleury, Kinew, Kelly, Laschuk and Tanner are a few of the people sharing their life stories at the Circle of Life Gathering in Winnipeg. Loss of life through addictions is very difficult to deal with, especially suicide. The amount of grief and suffering left behind by addictions and suicide can be unbearable. The Gathering is utilizing a Ceremonial approach to help with the Healing process. Elder Kinew has invited Catholic Archbishop of Winnipeg James Weisgerbrer to Bless people at the Gathering. Kinew and the Archbishop had traveled together to Rome to hear the Pope’s apology for Indian Residential School. Elder Kinew is going to be conducting a Ceremony of “Wiping Away the Tears” for those that are grieving. Healing Sweat lodge Ceremonies will be held on the grounds daily at 6:00 p.m.             Contact Steve Courchene 204-470-5207.

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