Monday, November 21, 2011

Aboriginal Veterans Day November 8

zhiimaaganishii-giizhigad - pronounced zhee-maa-guh-ni-shee gee-zhee-gud and meaning Veterans Day.

Veterans held a Ceremony of Honour at Deer Lodge in Winnipeg, November 8, 2011.

In attendance was Tommy Prince Jr. The son of the Great Warrior Tommy Prince.

Shane Patterson a Dakota Traditionalist was also in attendance to talk about the Warrior Society and the meaning of "Deed and Merit".
He said to always to think of those Veterans and to "blow your Whistles".

Melvin Swan is a warrior, an Ogichidaa. He was on hand to speak about the Aboriginal Veterans, such as George Mann, Leon Fontaine, Ray Rogers, Tommy Eagle, Lawrence Morrisseau, who have passed on. He told the people that today it is not easy to know who we are. The youth do not speak the language, and our greatest battle lay within our selves. He wants us to thank those Veterans for their gifts, their commitment, their scars. Remember those who sacrificed and to keep on celebrating life.  Remember a "warrior wears many hats to serve the people".

Dr. Solange Lavack spoke of the way of the Warrior and the difficulties facing them. Never minimize the experience of those that have come back. Some "people are broken".  "You don't get to integrity without falling".  Just ask how can I help.

The most inspiring quote came from an old Veteran in the crowd. He said "Thank God for Tommy Prince. Tommy Prince told me 'keep your head down and listen, and you will go home'. I am home" said Murry Trench, a Veteran.

Melvin Swan & Murry Trench

1 comment:

  1. One of the most popular United States Public Holidays is the Veterans Day. Celebrated on the 11th of November every year, Veterans Day marks the honoring of Military veterans who have served their nation through the United States Armed Forces


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