Sunday, August 10, 2014

Lorri, wife of Winnipeg Mayor Candidate Gord Steeves a Racist and you should be offended.

There is a race for Mayor in Winnipeg Manitoba Canada. One of the candidates is former city Councilor Gord Steeves. His wife has now made the news by her posts on Facebook. Guess she doesn't like being bugged for money by panhandlers. I guess it made her so upset that she went on to a public sharing site and said her piece. Her views are quite harsh. This of course happened four years ago. Now that is public she has decided to apologize. 

Late Friday afternoon, Lorrie Steeves issued the following statement:
“In 2010 while I was working downtown I was regularly harassed for money and often put in a position where I feared for my safety.  One day in particular 4 years ago was very bad and out of frustration I vented on my personal facebook page.  I feel terrible about these comments I am terribly sorry and apologize.  I do not clear my facebook posts or status updates with my husband.”
Earlier Friday afternoon, the mayoral candidate laid out his downtown safety strategy which would target inebriated homeless people. The plan includes beefing up cadets and police officers downtown in order to remove these drunk individuals from the sidewalks.

Gord Steeves made a statement that it was a "cheap shot" making his wife's post public.  I am not sure who he meant was taking the cheap shot?  I wonder how it can be a cheap shot. I guess you can understand his point of view afterall his wife is not running for office. I get that. However....   This is his wife we're talking about: The Mother of his children, his best friend (in most relationships), his confidante, his partner, his 'better-half', his moral compass, his second sober look, his good side, and his princess bride.  So you must consider how husband and wife influence and confide in each other. I think it would be rather in poor taste and very low if Steeves somehow tries to distance himself from his wife. Now that would be a man that I would never trust. I think your duty is to take care of your partner.  So we will see how Gord moves in the political arena on this one. But hey maybe he will gain a bigger following in the bigot's table?  That might work. Lot of closet (and open) racist bigots out there.

Part of Steeves strategy is get more police to get rid of the problem downtown. He didn't say it, but Gord (when referring to inebriated homeless people) must of meant the Indian problem. His choice of action would be to round them up and ship them out. That's what it is. Move those drunken Indians back to the Main Street. After all he must save his wife doesn't he?

I joked on Facebook that a conversation between this husband and wife would look something like this:

Gord and Lorri Steeves:

Lorri, "hey babe, I had an ugly day downtown today, damn drunken natives bumming off me, can you do something to make it stop? eh honey bunny?" 

Gord, "Sugar, I'm on that sum bitch"... "got your back, We will drive those bums out of downtown! Now give some of that white sugar, mmmmmmmm"

I am also wondering why Lorri Steeves statement is being called an apology?  I am not sure but isn't an apology where you say you are sorry for something and in so doing, promise not to do it again?  You know there is some type of remorse for the action. In this case I don't see that at all. What I see is a person that is sorry for getting caught, not for saying ugly repugnant racist things. She took the time to blame others for her action. She did not say I am sorry for the racist mean spirit words about those people. You got to ask yourself does this looks like one of those apologies that is not an apology.  Her comments were down right racist. No other way to describe them. Her blaming the remarks for being frustrated and out of fear is just more pure hate. She is not sorry. In fact I guarantee you that this will only fan the flames of hatred and bigotry that goes on in that home. It is those damn drunken Indians fault! She never once addressed the comments but rather her reason for the words.

As an Indian person this is really offensive to me. But it should be offensive to all people of good conscience. It is a reflection of the rot and maggot infestation of damaged morals and Spirit. There is no rationale for her public rants. When she did this she insulted my family: my siblings, my Mom, my Dad, my Granparents, my Aunties, my Uncles, my children, my wife, my friends, my ancestors, my Grandchildren,  my People. That is what she did.

I believe all Native people should take offense to her bigotry and hatred. Ignoring it is not the answer. Racism is a rodent, that lives in the filth of ugliness. It is a louse that feeds on the ignorant and the beasts of like minded vile monsters.

There have been some voices in the Indian community speaking out against the hatred displayed by Gord Steeve's wife Lorri.  Of course Lorri and Gord have a good number of supporters as well. The dung beatle loves its food.  I would like to see more public officials speak out against racism of this type. There is no shortage of people speaking out against racism when it is not directed at Natives.

Shelly Glover is the Minister of Canadian Heritage and Official Languages. She is also a Winnipeger and a self-identified "proud Metis". She should be appalled at the language of Gord's wife Lorri. After all, Lorri labeled her family as drunken Natives.

Kevin Chief, The MLA for Point Douglas, Minister responsible for relations with the City of Winnipeg,
Minister of Children and Youth Opportunities is an Aboriginal person, aka Native.   He is also the Minister responsible for relations with the City of Winnipeg. Now how is that going to be for this Native dealing with the husband of a racist bigot?  I sure would think he would be front and centre denouncing such hatred of his people?  

Eric Robinson, Deputy Premier, Minister of Aboriginal and Northern Affairs, Minister charged with administration of Community Economic Development Fund Act. Minister responsible for Sport, Aboriginal Educationi and East Side Road Authority is also a First Nations, aka Aboriginal aka Native aka Indian. Eric is very well known and connected in the Native community. It is important that he take a public stand against the type of bigotry that has been thrown at his family, his children, his wife, his parents, His grand child to be, his ancestors. 
I know its not fair to put all this pressure on them but they are public figures and when they speak the media listens. They all know that hatred exists against Indian people, after all they face it everyday in Winnipeg. So it is important that they let the racists know that is not okay to put down our people. It is not okay to label all of us as: damned drunks, welfare bums, pan handlers, harrasers of honest people, that we don't have jobs, that it is  alright to disrespect us. 

As for Gord's comments that it is a "Cheap Shot" airing out his wife's bigotry,  cheap shot this... your wife is



  1. Disgusting. White privilege speaking not understand oppression, poverty, generational trauma, etc.

    Bigots will be bigots and will refuse to check their privilege and learn. It is sad but this saying is true - the scum rises to the top.

    1. referring to a drunk aboriginal as a drunk aboriginal is not racist if the person is actually a drunk aboriginal. Nor is it racist to refer to a drunk caucasian as a drunk caucasian, if he is infact a drunk caucasian.

      Maybe you should educate your people that it's 2014, and for the most part we've evolved past the point of drunkenly begging for money off total strangers.

    2. Lmfao.. educate yourself! It's 2014....

  2. Well said Steve. When this was splattered all over the front page Saturday,I've never felt so low,ashamed and embarrassed and Gord Steeves called it a "cheap shot" well it sure didn't feel like one! I went to Wal-Mart that evening and I felt like I was the only Native there and I couldn't make eye contact with any white people because I felt like they were looking at me as a drunk. I don't think this feeling will go away for awhile. Way to go Lorrie! just when I was feeling good and proud to be First Nation you throw this hard blow to the gut.

  3. there is no word to describe what she said and how it effected us first nation aboriginal peoples, that was a true example showing the Devil does exsist amoung us humans. being labelled drunk dirty uneducated Indians from white people only shows society he truth from the beginning that the white people are nothing but life destroyers and demolishing dream crushers, white people are who created racism. as first nation people Canada is our country we Indians were sabotaged and raped over the whites wanting Canada so badly, today we Indians could of been rich and educated if we didn't have all this soul killing hurt and pain to carry deep in our souls from our children suffering from nightmares of white priests raping them in every sick unimaginable way to our elders who still wake up in cold sweat terror from those awful horrid pasts from fake white priests ripping their youthful souls from there little bodies and white people want to call us every insulting name from the book of racism words you created. the only sick perverted people we have to share our world with is white people befor you start shooting racism words go look in the mirror ...white people should be ashamed of themselves. stop being perverts stop your sick ways now. I'm a first nation and no matter how much racism I get for being an Indian I'm so glad my ancestors weren't labbelled as PIGS sick perverted pigs.

    1. maybe you're misunderstanding what happened here. It was actually drunk dirty aboriginals that were begging for money. That's just what the situation was. If you're not a drunk, dirty aboriginal who begs for money, it shouldn't bother you. What should bother you is that your people will reduce themselves to such behavior.

    2. These are my People! Who are yours? And now your saying they were 'dirty' grab a blanket and go cover up beside Lorrie and her husband Gord!

    3. I don't understand why all the Native people in Winnipeg are saying that Lorrie Steeves called 'all' Native people drunks ? She said the men in the Sky Walk were drunk Native guys. I had to walk the Sky Walks for 4 years when I worked in Winnipeg and all the guys asking for smokes or money WERE drunk Native ''GUYS". She did not say that all Natives are drunks !! You are all exaggerating and grabbing on to something that didn't even happen. There is no reason for some native person going to Walmart to feel that everyone is looking at them. Guess what.. they are not looking at you.. they are shopping. No one can make you feel bad without your permission.

    4. Yes! You don't understand because your not 'Native' and how can you know how I felt inside Wal-Mart or anywhere for that matter...another non-white no it all, don't try to understand because you never will.

    5. As a matter of fact, I am Native. I take responsibility for my behavior and other people should do the same.

  4. Somebody need to leak her nude pictures to the press.

    1. That has been used so many times wasn't funny the first 300 times.

  5. There is a place called Shalom mission where they try to help the homeless.....Don't judge unless you have a heart to help! If there where places for Shelter, Clothing,Councillors,Possible finishing High school.....Then they might have chances to get jobs....Now there is something political! Who pays for Gord Steves to be Mayor enough said!

    1. Taxpayers pay for EVERYTHING

    2. If taxpayers pay for every thing then why come here (to Native American land) to pay taxes.
      Why not stay in europe and not pay taxes here.
      Please go back to your ancestors shit hole country and pay taxes there and not here.

  6. This whole thing is appalling, however is not surprising. The whole history of the treatment of aboriginal people is appalling. Attempts to condition us to believe we are inferior by infecting us with English attitudes has diseased the minds of many of the descendants of the oppressor. The whole concept of "them" ruling us here in "OUR HOMELAND" at any level of government is insane, yet we all accept it. Both Mr. and Mrs. Steeves need a lesson in "TRUE" Canadian history. Did they not here the apology of P.M. Harper for the treatment of aboriginal people? When will they let it go? I, for one would love to spend some time with them and show them the real picture. When and what will it take for Canada to see it? Something RADICAL needs to happen to address RACISM. Perhaps a N.C.R. (National Council Resolution) forbidding the Royal Family from entering Canada and a review of Mrs. Steeves "right to" Canadian Citizenship is in order.

    1. this wasn't a country until Europeans made it one. No one is stopping you from roaming the prairies, chasing buffalo over cliffs like you're ancestors did. Go do it, if that's what will make your life meaningful.
      The north american aboriginal would still be living in the dark ages if not for Europeans.

    2. IF not for you European trash we would still be living in a beautiful and non polluted environment. Did the native people ask or need anything from immigrants NO they did not. The euro trash is living in a beautiful environment at whose expense, certainly not at the europeans expense. IF you dont like Native Americans you are certainly welcome to go back to the shit hole country your ancestors crawled out of... But no you want to live on land that was given to the Native American by the creator and stolen by you the thieving euro trash.

  7. that's just terrible that this still continues to our Native peoples, across this country, it will not End!!, to be honest, I was bothered, and I gave it a good thought, I look at my children and my grand children, and say to myself, hey!! at least I am stronger than that...... and DAMN PROUD TO BE NATIVE...... one day, she will experience what we have for generations & generation, you will NOT kill the Indian.... BECAUSE WE ARE here to stay... ...... maybe she was raised that way.... who knows...... I feel sorry for her......... has for the elections good luck you just killed it for your husband.. ahahhahha the apology wont do anything, just like HARPER DID MANY YEARS AGO IT DID NOT CHANGE A THING......

    1. Good luck in the elections Gord! You're goona need it!!

  8. Everytime I watch CBC or CTV or Global or any other Winnipeg News I see the beautiful tiny Native children in school and day care centres and playgrounds and splash pads. They at least will have a glimpse of a good life that their parents or grandparents never had. They are taught in school from a young age to be proud and smart and kind and honest. Now, the rest of the job needs to be kept going by their parents. They are the next generation. They will make their people proud.

  9. Racism is an ugly animal that lurks in all society. The only way to combat it is to expose it. Sometimes racism is due to ignorance, but many times it is hated. I think it will never be beaten. Maybe racist will finally become the pariah of society where they should be.

  10. Lorre Steevs from Winnipeg, "Rosey fingered Pink" or vice versa, "Pink Rosey fingered" as are all whitey. Ha ha ha ha, lol .... stink little misguided bitch that Lorre, she is, enjoy Gordo ! We can throw it, we can sling it, "In your face white mother fuckers". Hmmm, while on here opining today, opportunity awaits, here's one, give us some more of your hard earned motha fucking money, the hand is itchy, and shut the fuck up while your at it, shhhh !!!! keep up the hard fuck'in work like a good little whitey, Luv yaz, not !

    Tha boys In the hood, Sask.

  11. If Lori Steeves dosent want to deal with drunkin native guys maybe she should go back to the shithole country her ancestors crawled out of. If not for the Europeans coming over here and polluting the land and destroying the native life style we would be happily living in a clean and pure environment. We never did ask or need anything from immigrants. It was the Pink (they are not white people) immigrants who came here and needed what we have. Had they not came here in banana boats we would still have pure (spirit) beautiful land and not a polluted land or spirit.


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