That one person tells you - "You think your shit don't stink!?!"
So you answer: "sure it does".
I mean what can you say?
There are some instances where you just can't answer. People want to fight. Whether its the politicians attacking each other or the general population attacking you and of course the Indian on Indian battle.
Its not an easy thing to be reasonable in an environment that is heated up. There are so many compelling reasons and urgent matters to tackle. There may be no time for being passive in some situations. Like the way the Earth is being treated. No one has the time to be reasonable in the time of environmental disaster. The time has come to take up the challenge of protecting and slowing down the damage that has been caused. There are other things as well. Rights of Indigenous people all over the World are being ignored, taken away (in many ways brutality leads the way) and diminished.
In Canada and the U.S. there are battles going on regarding the carbon emissions being produced. You know its quite funny because people battle in the open but the real war is being lost ( I almost said won) in the boardrooms of the Money companies. You think we have a say? I think we should but we are reasonable. We think the morals, ethics and kindness of our fellow human beings will win the day. But there are no morals or values when it comes to Money. You think Money is reasonable? Nope, never. Money knows only greed. How do you battle that? And money hides in plain sight. The gas you buy, the light blub you turn on. The pineapple you put on your pizza is money. What has this have to do with Indian on Indian or people wanting to fight? Well everything. That Pineapple comes from plantations that have displaced whole communities. Stolen away their sustaining lifestyle to be put in a wage economy that doesn't sustain them. That gas you buy is killing people's lifestyles of using water ways and animal harvests. That lightbulb is the end result of a hydro dam that displaced many or caused mercury poisoning. Even worst it comes from the coal buring electricty, one of the biggest polution machines.
Our battles for the Earth are on the outskirts of where decisions are made. We are busy fighting outside of the war. We think we are in the battle but nope. We are attacking ourselves or others that have no real power. We are mad at the local Indigenous groups for what they do or don't do. If they try and engage in dialog with any Money entity, they are labeled the "Sell outs". We are mad at some individual that has a job working at the perimeter of Money. We raise our voices and try to be unreasonable with things that in the end really don't matter all that much. It is Money that we need to battle. It is Money that we need to be unreasonable with.
You know what Money is doing right now? It is killing the Amazon. What the Hell does the Amazon have to do with Indians on the Reserve or living in the innercity? Or the middle age, middle class Whiteman and Whitewoman that is selling insurance, working at the bank or pushing emails at the office? It has eveything to do with them. You see money is killing the Earth. It is doing it in a way that you don't think about or see everyday. It is killing that living being that protects the Earth. And it is starting with the Heart and Lungs of the Earth. You see the Amazon is what cools the Earth from those pesky Carbon Emissions. It quiets the farts of the big machines that are clogging our airways, choking our breath, hurting our hearts. And you know what the crazy thing is about the Amazon? Much of it is Indigenous Land. Its funny eh? Those damn Indigenous people that are fighting to keep a hold of their lands from the big Money (resources extraction companies like Oil) are actually fighting to save your stupid life all the way over here.
You may not know that Money is recieving more money by way of government subisidies to explore fossil fuel exploration (partly in the Amazon), about 26 billion dollars worth. Cool eh? I mean Money gets Money to be fed even more. It is like a Windigo; a cannibal -- beast that eats and eats only to get more and more hungry. The smart thing to save more of the Earths' lungs would be to stop exploration and let the forest stay. Nope. Money needs more money. If Money had any sense it would use Money to pay for the Earths lungs to stay healthy. Each country should pay for the use of those lungs (Amazon forests). The argument of economic growth would be a moot one.
And what do you say to someone like President Correa, who said, "I want
to preserve the Yasuní National Park. I don’t want to take the oil from
the soil. Please," to the industrialized world, "help us protect this
space"? And he couldn’t raise the money, so he’s moved in, you know,
with Chinese companies and has infuriated the indigenous population
ATOSSA SOLTANI We will continue to stop—fight for saving Yasuní National Park. His
arguments of why Yasuní should be protected in 2007 are still true
today. And really, we want—it really is up to the international
community and to China, who has given Ecuador $13 billion in financing
in exchange for the oil that Ecuador has remaining in its Amazon,
including Yasuní oil. So it’s also up to China to say, "Hey, maybe China
should forgive Ecuador’s debt." And President Correa should assume
leadership role and keep the oil in the ground and protect this area,
which is not only the most biodiverse place on Earth, it was actually
here around the ice age, and it’s expected to survive climate change. It
really is the cradle of life.
I would say, "What is the U.S. doing to basically end all subsidies—all
subsidies—for exploration?" You know, our government spent $26 billion
subsidizing new reserves, or looking for new reserves. That has to stop.
We have to basically tax carbon. We need to tax carbon and stop talking
about climate mitigation of, you know, one pollution credit versus
another, allowing someplace to pollute versus saving carbon elsewhere.
We have to get beyond that and look at carbon tax. We have to look at
cutting—not only cutting exploration, changing the laws that now allow
fracking to proliferate throughout America, and looking at basically
ending subsidies for fossil fuels.
An you know what, they are reasonable. Unfortunately, Money is not reasonable. Money is greedy, and it has no loss of appetite. So keep up with your fight and being unreasonable. But lets use that unreasonable attack where it makes the most sense. Not at the little bug, the small beings, the poogets (farts) and other people or entities that skirt the perimeter of Money. Focus that energy at Money. Money is there in the pockets of ruling Governments, Banks, Resource companies.
Sure it is fine to keep badgering and keeping tabs on the small change beings but focus on the Money.
Money is killing us and it doesn't care. It doesn't care for you, your kids, your Mom, Your Dad, your Granny, Granpa, your cousins, your community or your people. It cares not for next years or the next seven years, never mind the next one hundred years.
I know there is old adage that says "think globally but act locally". I get that. So you don't know where the Koch brothers live or work.
So you can't get to them and have them hear your voice. I get that. And you use the vehicle that is in front of you. So you keep up with protesting the big Money (hard to get any bigger than Koch family) by the fighting at their toes/tentacles. That is a battle that you can see. I guess you won't get the chance to tell/ask David or Charles; "you think your shit don't stink!?"
I guess my point is, fight them. that is great, but let's not do it at the expense of the inconsequential Indian.
Consider this:
One of the better questions I heard is "are you being a good Ancestor?"
I started this post as part of a frustration. I see hyprocrital actions and feel like I am part of that. I see Activists fighting for change. Noble and admirable actions. Yet, I see a frenzy of anger hostility aimed blindly by our own. You see I think people are generally good. At least I hope they are. Still I feel bad when I see good people letting hostility and anger rule them. I am back and forth with the actions. I mean I support the actions that people are doing in fighting for the Earth. Who wouldn't? At the same time I too criticize our local lobby groups and community leaders. Many times I feel that they are out of their depth. I think many of them are just plain stupid. I still want them to do good. Its like that feeling you get from watching Tony Soprano of the televsion show the Sopranos. You know that there is bad but you hope that there is going to be good (you want Tony to turn out to be good afterall). That is how I see Indian leadership. I hope for change. I would rather encourage good and challenge than get on a real call down of them. You know what I mean? I am not naive that I think everything is going to happen right away. I do feel that one person can really have an affect on how we do things. So I am optimistic. We are having a national leadership race right now. Lot of negative comments about the Assembly of First Nations, and Chiefs in general, but I am hoping for some change. Change for good. That is what I was trying to post about. But I got side tracked because bigger things are happening right now. There are Climate Summit's taking place right now. So I figured I would tie that in with my little "you think your shit don't stink" post.
I feel that we battle in ways that is in our reach. Some fight inside, some with compromise. some with "burn this bitch down" and others in the front lines singing with a Drum, while some want to pick up the gun.
In any case the real real enemy is Money. And money is in the hands of a few. Those few own the world. The real fight is to take it back for the rest of the 7 billion people in the world.
I guess time will tell if we are good Ancestors.
May the Anishinabe lead through an awakening of the seventh fires prophecy to the eighth and final fire.