Monday, February 8, 2016

Fucking Stupid Indians.

Was going to start off talking about the internet and all its wonders and lead into all the stupidity on the internet as well. But nope just going to get right into it; Fucking Stupid Indians.

That's right, stupid fucking Indians. Of course it could have been fucking stupid white man or fucking stupid black man or stupid fucking women, but today its those fucking stupid Indians. You know them. They are the ones I'm talking about.

Those fucking stupid Indians. Like one of my  relatives. She has been in a relationship with a habitual Woman beater. Her last beating he gave her, he wore steal toed boots and kicked her around. He is sitting in jail right now. Thing is he has done numerous stints in jail for beating her. They have three small children together. Stupid Fucking Indian. Get this she started another winner. This man has never done anything in his life except sell drugs. Guess what? He stole her children's money and beat up her up as well. Put in hospital. She was on the internet ( a wonderful place) and started posting about how much she misses him. Stupid Fucking Indian.

There is this young ex-loser Indian that is now a "Advocate and Spokes person" for Indigenous issues. Seems there are many of these reformed gang members or fucking stupid Indians who are now spokes-people for the Indigenous. Fucking stupid Indians. These are the pariah who are selling poison to our kids. Their own families. Stupid Fucking Indians. The harm these drugs do to the Whole community is ugly; pure ugly. When you see your our family member looking like walking death, you yell stupid fucking Indians. You wonder will this be the last time I see my baby. The last time I see my baby in part because of some stupid fucking Asshole selling drugs?

Fucking stupid Indians trying to down play the vile repugnant life of a gang member. Sure stupid fucking society is not fair or even nice. Still its ugly the way gangs prey on their own community. The gang member may have all sorts of reasons for joining a gang, in the end they are still stupid fucking Indians. Stealing off their loved ones. Abandoning their kids and spouses. Living off the spouse. Bumming off their parents and the endless lies. Fucking stupid Indians. Crying on the phone from jail because they are fucking stupid.

The fucking stupid elected Indian leader. Prancing around with the honorarium. Crying around they are hard done by and are working for the people. All the while undermining other fucking stupid Indians in the same role and occupation. Fucking stupid Indians when will they get it that there is strength with the people and in unity?

The fucking stupid Indian who tells all other Indians to "pull up their bootstraps and get a job". Never mind generational trauma.

The fucking Stupid Indian who is constantly calling everyone a sell-out but participates everyday in the market driven economy.  Calling down elected leaders of every Indigenous community, but yet has been unsuccessful in being elected. Calls down all avenues of Indigenous actions but has nothing to offer in return. Yeah, that fucking stupid Indian.

The fucking stupid Indians who think the only way to be Indian is to be stuck in the past. They think like the courts, Hollywood that we were never evolving. We can't use technology to revive or to share our Traditions.. We will lose our souls if we tape our Ceremonies.

Fucking Stupid Indians worshiping a god who's religious soldiers are killing their spirits. The bible worshiping fucking stupid Indian are the most stupid of all. They are carrying out the mandate of "kill the Indian" on their own people. Fucking stupid Indians must realize the severity of the damage done by this christian war?  They must know its not about worshiping god but worshiping the dominant society. Fucking stupid Indians. They must know every culture is built on their belief system; so destroy the belief and you destroy the people. Stupid Fucking Indian singing Leonard Cohen's hallelujah. Stupid fucking Indians.

Fucking Stupid Indians bashing each other. Being better at bashing each other than any White man or government official. The fucking stupid Indian who plays victim at every opportunity - work or personal events.

The fucking stupid Indian who is part of the right wing political entities. These people are the same stupid folk out there who are told don't touch the fire its hot, but stick their hands in there to be burned and decide maybe it wasn't that hot and do it again, and again. 

Fucking Stupid Indians are too damn smart to let society beat them. Too fucking stupid to know they are suppose to be gone, to be extinct.

Fucking Stupid Indians refuse to die.
Fucking Stupid Indians refuse to give up.
Fucking Stupid Indians refuse to be stupid fucking Indians.
Fucking Stupid Indians are not stupid fucking Indians.

There I said it. Indians are just like everyone else. Some very stupid and some very intelligent. This is just life. It could fucking stupid redneck or anyone else.
While the Redneck doesn't even know they are stupid.
At least Indians know the stupid ones and recognize the good strong ones.
Fucking Stupid Indians are too damn good to be stupid fucking Indians.
They have survived genocide and are still surviving and even succeeding.

P.S.  Have to admit I really messed up this post. I was wanting to focus on the realities of how the colonial experience has warped some of our own thinking. Where we become our worst enemies. Where we promote the message of hollywood type stereotypes and old xtian thinking about our way of life. Instead I rambled about the stupidity of everyday folk that could be anyone, no matter from which segment of society. Well sorry about that. I know the post didn't offend many because it was done not to highlight stupidity of Indians generally but just stupid people.  Miigwech folks.


  1. The colonial experience has taught you are an INDIAN.
    Why quote some asshole who had no fucking idea where he was (lost) columbus didnt even reach south america but landed in the carribean and called them
    INDIANS......are from INDIA.
    STOP listening to the immigrant banana boat people, you are NOT indian
    You are NATIVE AMERICAN!!!

    1. No such thing as native American. You cannot be native if you migrated to America from Asia.

  2. Not American you are right, As people we are older than America and Canada. So we are Nations. In our area we are Anishinaabe. As for the rest of your comment, I can only say, oh man that is too bad you feel that way. I do hear Ice Land is a nice place to visit. I didn't think they were white supremacists there but I guess they are everywhere a white person resides.


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