Sunday, December 25, 2016

Christian Indian, A Contradiction.

Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."
This statement by the late Jesus Christ has always bothered me. It's strange, Jesus wants us to go to Heaven and meet his Dad but puts up road blocks? There's no regard for the character or actions of anyone. He says it's me or nothing. So what happens to those good living folks? There were many who had no knowledge Jesus even existed. So now what? Those folks are not allowed into the Garden? Seems kind of cruel if you ask me. 

If I was a skeptic I would say it was a marketing ploy - Having only one way into Heaven. You know like those upscale bars or clubs who have line ups to get in. Regardless of how many people are in the premise, there are people to stop you at the entrance to give the appearance that many are waiting to get in. Like it's exclusive and if you want in you have to wait. So getting into Heaven or the club is an exclusive thing.

It is interesting the conversion process which has taken place all over the globe. The proponents of Christianity are not known for their compassion and acceptance when it comes to people of colour. Yet they are willing to go all over the world making them kneel and pray to their Lord when they are active in killing them?  Seems like it's a waste. Why spend time, energy getting to see how good your God is when it's your intention to lay waste to them? Undeniable the Christian rule has been bloody  and ugly.   Still with all the horror that has taken place in the name of Christianity people are still lining up at the door. Strange even more so, many of the people lining up are People-of Colour. Now that is weird.

Still some of my best relatives are Christian. A friend is also a Road Chief with Native American Church. You know Indians, how they can turn anything around and own it.  Having a Bible on the alter as they Pray with Peyote. 

We do it all the time with other things, like French words becoming Indigenous words. Like owning the wool blanket. Like owning the Bannock bread. Like owning the Gun and many other New-Comer stuff. 

It seems kind of crazy when you think of all the history and baggage Christianity carries when it comes to attacking Indigenous people. So why would they willing join the Church?  It seems as crazy as the Jewish person joining the Nazi party or Black person joining the Ku Klux Klan.  
The sad thing is many of the Indian Christian's behave like they are in a cult or something, obsessed. It is like a drug as well, and there is no other way but theirs? 

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