Monday, June 10, 2019

A Curse So Dark On You

Warning: Offensive Content. Bad Medicine.

My cousin pointed out how you can spot the people who use Bad Medicine. For you folks who don't know what Bad Medicine is, it is when a person or persons, uses the gifts out there to do some harm on others.  Of course there are nay sayers, who like to think Bad Medicine doesn't exist. Stupid arses, they must also think evil is the absence of goodness.

Anyways, getting back to the Bad Medicine explanation.  I heard some people will go out and offer some shiny stuff, like nickels, dimes to the bug spirits or some other spirit, like toads. They will send a message and name folks they want to get sick.  Those bug spirits will go searching for those folks. Sometimes they mistake a person and get them sick instead.  My cousin says, the shiny offering is seldom enough for payment by the bug spirits. Instead the bug will go and punish the person who wants to harm others. The bugs do it by targeting someone close to the bad medicine person. Many times it is the kids. The bugs, will wait for the kids to be bigger. They will turn their mouths crooked, make their foreheads get bigger and many times grow the noses. So the kids get ugly.

My cousin says if you see the parents looking normal but their kids are beastly, then you know for sure they are using Bad Medicine. It is the price they pay for their bitterness, jealousy, hatefulness, hatred and ugliness. The Curse is dark on them.

There are of course many other ways to do harm with Bad Medicine. You can unleash the ugly which hides in the deep water or is in the thick bush. The problem with unleashing the ugly, you might actually curse the wrong individual. Some Neechies are pretty smart or pretty paranoid, they take preventive measures. They will make sure when in large Neechie (Indians) gatherings, they will wear protection or put protection in their footwear. Neechies have been known to pickup needles just by walking over someone else's gear, outwear or belongings. The needle gets in their blood stream and gets them sick. You can see the sickness in their skin as it gets discoloured or breaks out. Some people will experience Bell's Palsy; the Crooked Face. The Crooked Face Bad Medicine was a well used on back in the day.  My buddy had a girl friend who had a Crooked Face. The relationship didn't last. I do not think my friend even knew his girl friend had the Crooked Face. He didn't realize it until an older lady in the Reserve asked him, "where's your girlfriend?"  He said, "What girlfriend?"  She said, "You know... the one with the crooked face."

I am cursed as well, having a big personality but light skin. Dark skinned Neechies dislike the light skinned Neechie. My friend since the Residential School in Fort Alexander is cursed with handsome looks, and brown skin.  A girl (younger woman) said to him, "Mmmm you're good looking. All brown and gravy looking."  This will never be the case for me. Instead I get the "creepy old white guy look" from the beautiful Neechie Women.

The good thing is, my curse is on me. I don't use Bad Medicine (except Gossip which is another kind of Bad Medicine) so my Kids and Grandkids are not ugly. The light skin is due to those old French Christians bastards who happened to come through our territory. Our territory was a major trade route. The result, light skinned Neechies in the Reserve. So the light skinned are not attractive but the curse is from coitus and not using the Bug Spirits.

Those of you who are ugly through no fault of your own, blame your parents, they are the ones using Bad Medicine.  Your beauty is the price they paid.

There are many people out there who only practice good medicine. They are quick to praise others. They will go out and volunteer for others. They will say good things about others. They will work at making others feel good. Those folk are everywhere. The Spirits and Ancestors recognize them and gather around them.

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