Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Are You Generous or a Cheap Bastard?

There are some good people in the world. I really like that, don't you? The people who I think are awesome are the generous folk. Those are the ones who will have a place in our hearts. Generosity is an awesome trait to have. Many Societies have generosity practices in their cultures. Today we are seeing more individual wants overtaking the notion of giving. Still there are those who are generous in many different ways; whether it is donating their time on worthwhile causes, donating blood and the ultimate gift of donating their organs.

Volunteers are examples of generous people. They don't have to do it. The coaches of children sports, the volunteers at fund raising events for health care and other events give their time and effort so other's can benefit. There are also people who like to share things like stories, their time, food and their stuff. I like stuff.

We know those people who are generous and sometimes we don't really think about the act very much. I want us to take time to think about them. I also want us to remember and think about the cheap bastards. You know those individuals very well. Those who will benefit from the work and sharing of others.

I think about that quite a bit lately, especially with how the world is turning to shit. Turning to shit because of all those greedy selfish bastards. Many of the Greedy selfish bastards are out of our reach for condemnation. There are people like Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, Rob Walten, and many more bastards. There is a hell for these bastards. A hell where they will suffer the fate or watching their world, the world of their family will be haunted forever. There are many who want to look generous but really are just Cheap bastards. Look at the Gates for example. The world says they are benevolent and generous because of their foundation.

There are also Cheap Bastards in regular society as well. My friend was talking about a Cousin who acts like he is going to take all his riches to the grave with him. This Cousin is semi-famous and has a large political footprint. A vengeful character and a selfish cheapskate. There are those in the political Indian world who continue to rape the community of the limited resources. There are also those cheap bastards who pretend to be generous but it's only motivated by selfish motives. You know the type, wanting to look good.

A nephew and niece went to visit the Land of the Maori last month. They planned and took gifts for the folks there. He said there were other Neechies there. I asked him if they brought gifts and he said no. Cheap Bastards. I see lot of political Neechies getting Blankets all the time and gifts from communities. I don't see them giving gifts to others, cheap bastards.

Cheap Bastards are exactly that, cheap bastards. They won't give you their goods, their time, their energy, their thoughts, their prayers, and their love. So what they are going to take it with them when they die.  Cheap Bastards are not bad people, nope, they are just cheap. For some it's a badge of honour. Can you get that?

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