Sunday, April 5, 2020

Will The Jackals Feast? COVID-19

The Coronavirus aka COVID-19 has slowed down all sorts of production and travel. The result is the Earth has a chance to breathe. Universities and other Health Agencies are monitoring the air quality and how it has been improving. I believe we should not be surprised when we slow down on fuels the air somehow gets cleaner. It doesn't really matter do does it? Our governments, the Ultra-rich and the large corporations will not change their behaviour. We can expect not much to change after the waters calm. I think things should be different. We should look at the world in a different way. 

We are currently seeing how ugly greed is. The hoarding of vital medical supplies by greedy opportunity jackals. The Rich of the world, the Bezos, the Waltons, Larry Page, Levinson and the rest of those Hyenas are not good for the World. The cheap labour, the medical workers, the cleaners, the service sector are keeping the economic world moving. Hopefully the world sees how wrong the current system is and we can not keep supporting it. Come with me if you want to live.   People will not accept a zero sum solution. The resistant to change is great especially when it comes to upsetting the money flow. Sadly compromise is a killer to real change.  I say I will save you and we can start here:

1. Travel Stops. Have two free commercial free days the world over. No aircraft travel, no cruise ship, no tankers, no highway truck travel. Maybe even have one no motor travel at all. How it would start saving the world. 
2. No more billionaires. If your company or individual is a billionaire, each country would take hold of their assets and distribute through infrastructure and society well being. Billionaires can survive on 900 million. 
3. Guaranteed wealth sharing. The production of goods can not go on without having brakes. How many new cars does the world need? What happens to all those vehicles not being purchased? There could be one year production of cars, followed by one year shut down. The working groups affected can be subsidized for a year like employment insurance or guaranteed income. This ensures they can have no super disruption in their lives. Unrestricted production is killing the Earth. All sectors of production could be examined.
4. Culling people. Let's face it, humans are the biggest threat to humanity. I don't think this will get traction because the rich always look after themselves first. The poor and the marginalized will be the first to be culled. So take culling off the table. 

My saving the World is limited to just three things right now. When I am made supreme being of all things human, more items will be listed. For now we will see how the world accepts this change.
Eat From the Arsehole to the Stomach: Jackals 

You will see things have to change or the Jackals will come in and dig through the dead carcasses and eat from the arsehole to the stomach. With a crisis the vultures, the carnivores come out and feast. Look at Katrina, the land developers taking land all the while aided by the law makers. Shady companies getting all sorts of government contracts, without delivering what was expected. Puerto Rico suffered from a Hurricane which devastated the whole country. The governments fed the Jackals of private companies and friends of law makers with contracts. The Jackals took and took without any compassion or care for the country and the people. Today we are seeing law makers feeding the Jackals. Canada gives Amazon a private company the contract to distribute medical supplies even though Canada has a public corporation specializing in distribution of goods/mail. Other countries are in similar situations, with Jackals cashing in and just positioning themselves to feast in the very near future. This can not continue for the sake of the world. 

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