Thursday, June 10, 2021

For Heck Sakes

There are times when the world just gets to us. I think to myself, man this sucks. How come life is full of ugly mean horrible things and people. 

It makes you want to go and kill. Literally go and kill. Kill the bad people. 

But it is not what rationale folks do. We can't cause pain just cause we have had enough of the ugly. 

My highs and lows are getting to be too much. Not sure if the citalopram is doing it these days. 

In any case, no I'm not going to go "all postal." I think in the US the mass shootings have expanded to almost everywhere. But I think it does creep into our collective minds, you think? 

So what can we do to ease our lows, our anger, our blood lust? I have to stop watching the news, the social feeds and keep isolating? 

In any case the lows will ease. 

G'waabaamin sa


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