Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Dave Courchene Jr: It is about Identity - It is about Spirit.

"Elder Nii Gaani Aki Inini addresses the importance of understanding and knowing one’s identity, history, and ancestral teachings. Elder Nii Gaani Aki Inini shares the Seven Sacred Laws of the Anishinaabe People, and highlights the importance of rites of passage and going to the land in healing. The Turtle Lodge International Centre for Indigenous Education and Wellness has partnered with the Sagkeeng Mino Pimatiziwin Family Treatment Centre to share teachings and provide guidance on how to heal from addictions.

The Turtle Lodge International Centre for Indigenous Education and Wellness is a place for reconnecting to the Earth & sharing Indigenous ancestral knowledge, founded on the 7 Sacred Laws. Visit our website at www.turtlelodge.org to learn more."

 "We are the people of the Bear... We were born of the Bear... We came in the most natural way... The Creator had a vision of the Earth... As people we are connected to Spirit because that is where we came from... We are born of Spirit... We understand the realm of Spiritual through Ceremony... We understand the  relationship we have with our Ancestors... In the Spiritual Realm the Prophets... try to find a way to reach us... to help us out of the deep darkness in today's world... that have been created by negative values... one of the most negative values is that man can control the earth, that he can control nature, can do whatever he wants to the land... we see everyday where man is out of control with this greed... thinking and not knowing that Mother Earth is alive... That is the understanding we have that Mother Earth is Alive... Many of us have a close relationship with the Bear... What an awesome gift to have a relationship with the animals... 1st Teaching is Respect, the Buffalo - Respect means to give and give and give... bring love and kindness into this world... the Eagle is the symbol of Love... people don't know the real power and essence of love... everything we have been given out of Love... we need to love ourselves... who we are - we can go in the morning and see in the mirror and say I am proud to be Anishinaabe... You can not intellectualize who the Creator is... GrandFather help me I am weak here... What the people need is hope... that help is there... The Spirit gives us help... The Teaching of Sabe - be honest to the Creator, to yourself, how you feeling... The Law of Wisdom represented by the Beaver... to know Wisdom is to know your gift and to use it to serve the world... The Wolf Humble... We are connected in the same way of the Creator... The Elders of our people are with the people... We live in the world today filled with so much arrogance... Turtle, this is a place of our people... Grandmother Turtle was there when laws were given... Turtle carries the memory of the Teachings... We should be and can be the leaders of our own lands... Our own people have to be in position to share knowledge... We have to be strong enough to walk the way the Creator gave us... Everything is there is to have what the old people told us that we have a good life... "


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