Damien Pickett is a co-Captain of a Riverboat in Montgomery, Alabama. Damien was trying to get a boat to move at a water dock, so the Riverboat, which was carrying 252 passengers could disembark. The passengers waited 45 minutes for the private boat to move. The owner(s) of the private boat did not want to move, instead they responded to the requests to movie with slurs, and obscene gestures. amien Pickett was adamant that the boat had to move and he expressed his frustration at the owners of the private boat. It all came to ahead when one of the boat owners punched Damien Pickett. It was then the Hat-Flip occurred. Damien flipped his hat in the air and defended himself with punching back. It is important to note, Damien is a Black man, and the owners of the private boat are White folk. As Damien defended himself he was bombarded with a fury of White people punching him from all angles. Damien was pummeled with fists of fury from the White Hanks and Karen's. From there you could see it: the Bonds of Slavery where being broken. Black people came running, came swimming to the aide of Damien. This was not going to be a scene from a Mandingo or Django movie, where the White Plantation owners get to whip their "n***rs." *Nope, there was a collective scream, "No more." Instead we see a page taken from the movie Exterminate All The Brutes. Exterminate All The Brutes takes you on a journey of what Colonialism, Civilization, and Extermination was/is at the hands of White people. The crust of the movie is White Colonialism created the world mess and People are pushing back now.
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Image: IBYG_CRYPTO/Twitter |
The fight, (brawl as the media has labeled it) between a group of White men, White Women, Black men, and Black Women has caused a media frenzy. Media is framing the brawl as a racial divide, a throwback to Civil Rights Struggles. Other's are saying it has nothing to do with race and it is a "one-off." I have a huge penis and it is 14 inches long. Yeah, that's right, everyone can lie. The fight is a picture of how things are, for White people and Black people (and People of Color, People on the margins, Indigenous People, the Gay folk and their group). You see here, the White group, were exercising their privilege. They weren't going to move their god-damn boat as they have to right to do anything they want, as it was bestowed upon them at their birth, being white. Yes, being White has its privileges, like the feeling of "fuck off, I am white and you're just a nobody."
People are charged about the fight, brawl, consequence and whatever you want to call it. The fight on the docks is a postcard from history. The relationship people have with each other is strained and rightfully so. White people carry the arrogance of superiority. It is seen everyday, with a White Police Officer kneeling on the neck of a Blackman, all the while knowing he is being watched as he slowly, painfully chokes the life out of the Blackman. It is the sitting Supreme Court Judge who is the "House-Tom" for the great white masters. It is the White President who can boldly call a whole continent filled with riches of History, Cultures, Treasures, People, and call it a "shit-hole." It is the white man who can shoot up a car filled with Black youth, for playing music and think he is in the right. It is the actor who can dress up in Black face at a Gala event because he thinks he has the privilege due to his Black Girl friend (at the time).
Call the fight what you will, a brawl, a loving embrace, a cross burning, a toilet being overturned or a Dancing with the Stars. The thing is, it is a paradigm of relations between White colonialism, civilization and extermination, or as we know it, White Privilege. The fight had White people running to their bathrooms in a collective heap of bowel explosions; they were shitting themselves. The Boat-dock arse-kicking of White people is a wake-up. They (white folk) witnessed the boiled egg of white supremacy being cracked by a black hand. They see, in video, the challenge to their white privilege, and it is making them clutch their pearls and Rolexes (Oops, it should be Iphones and Apple Watches now). The fear is there, but still so is their arrogance of dominance.
The Flip of the Hat was a sign, it was the bold middle finger to the status quo of society. Damien said it for everyone, "Fuck you and your little red wagon." The White Chair used to bash White heads was the exclamation point on the birthday cake of the best surprise party given this year.
I have to admit, as a white guy myself I got a few laughs at seeing those entitled asshats get what was coming to them. But then again, I probably would've moved the boat if Mr. Pickett asked me to, not to mention I wouldn't have been stupid enough to take a swing at him.