Sunday, September 15, 2024

"God, Allah, Creator, Pick me"

 I have heard the message a few times from Elders, Traditional Teachers and Indigenous people from different countries; that the Earth provides. The Creator, (God, Allah, Jehovah, etc.) is said to have provided everything people need to live. We are to exist through the provisions of the Earth. We have everything we need to live. The Atheists have it summed up when they don't believe a God, person, entity is out there granted them wishes. The Atheists have no notion about being heard by anyone other than their own ears or brain. I guess that is fine, but I wonder if they ever wish for something? 

The Earth provides everything we need, so what is the purpose in wishing for things? I think it is a natural thing to wish, to hope and maybe even to pray for something. Now whether or not those wishes come true is another thing. I really use to believe without a doubt I was looked after by some power. I believed it was my Mom's prayers for my safety which kept me alive. There were close calls where I should have been injured or died. Was it just luck, circumstance, happenstance or divine intervention? Just like when Jules and Vincent were shot at by Jerry Seinfeld. Jerry had a large handgun,  all shiny and big, with big bullets. Jerry was no more than 3 meters away, approximately ten feet for those old boomer types or Americans. Jerry emptied the gun at the two men, Jules and Vincent, but missed them completely. Either Jerry was a very, very bad shot, or an intervention took place. An intervention where a Higher-power, like the Higher-power in Alcoholics Anonymous, moved the bullets away from Jules and Vincent's heads. If the intervention didn't happen, Marvin would not have had his head explode by the bullet of Vincent's gun. 

I am sure you have your experiences or know first hand, of a situation where it was nothing less than miraculous, where someone escaped death or injury. I guess it can be a miracle. It could be luck. The thing is, how come someone is selected to beat death, or injury while others are not so lucky or worthy? For some reason the southern United States has some unlucky people. There are children being killed by people, children with assault weapons. Many of the children in those schools dodge the bullets and some don't. I guess they did not have their prayers or wishes answered. In September there are numerous reminders of the Two Towers and the people who were killed; 2977 dead. No miracle in those circumstances. In 2024, Israel in engaged in a slaughter of Palestinians. It is a Genocide and there has been no intervention, divine or United States backed. 

When being interviewed for television audiences, many politicians, athletes and other famous (and semi-famous) people will acknowledge God, Allah, Jehovah as the reason for their success. The combatants of some contest, will publicly pray for their victory. I wonder how the Great Intervenor decides who is to benefit from their intervention? In the case of the recent Genocide, I imagine it is both Jehovah and God, who are picking the winners. Where the heck is Allah? Allah is not picking for the folks, the Women, the Children who are wishing, begging and praying to be saved. 

I don't know how in the heck, the imaginary Boss lets someone die and someone live. 

Gaza Baby. 
I watched a video, it might have been an incident in India. A man is kicking, hitting a young girl, a child actually. The girl is screaming, crying, holding her arms up to protect herself. The man is ruthless in his beating of her, all the while someone is in the room video taping the beating. Her cries fill the room. I watched it. Rage, anger, extreme sadness, hopelessness just overwhelmed me. The responses from the public towards the video are as expected, people were livid. Some people expressed the desire to kill the man. No one could blame them, for feeling that way. So why is it, this visceral backlash does not apply to other children? There are Children being slaughtered, being blown-up, quite literally to little pieces, with limbs and heads torn off their tiny bodies. Still it is being supported, even celebrated by, seemingly regular people. 

I guess they are not chosen for a miracle, for divine intervention. Their wishes, their begging, their prayers go unanswered. So fuck you God, fuck you Allah, fuck you Jehovah, fuck you. 

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