Tuesday, March 31, 2015

AFN Grand Chief Changes the Game: Says "Its now or nothing, Neechies!"

AFN Grand Chief Perry Bellegrade is not happy with the Status Quo. He wants to change the dynamics of Government Indian relations. Effective this morning Chief Bellegrade has changed title of Assembly of First Nations. The new name will result in a new identity and a re-branding of its work plans.

No longer will the AFN use a title that is not in tune with the Indigenous peoples of the Land. No longer will Perry call himself big boss aka Grand Chief. Nope Perry has decided to go with a name that represents both the poor Indian and the rich Indian, the male Indian and the female Indian, the young Indian and the old Indian; a new name befitting him. He and the Chiefs of Canada are looking at the turning tide of public opinion on Indians. They know that the government and the main stream public have managed to influence our identity as Indigenous folk in Canada. So from now on, Assembly of First Nations is going to be IAC-Indians Are Coming. It is meant to change the efforts of First Nations to be more focused and more in tune with the dynamics of the country. The country has changed course (or maintained a course) of going to the extreme and unreasonable right wing way of thinking and doing business. AFN had enough of the cuts and the attacks Canada have made on the Indian population of Canada. The title "Indian" being chosen as a reference to the historical roots of the people of the land, and a satirical title to ensure that the public knows that the true people of the land are still here. And the old rallying cry of the Indians Are Coming, to shine the light on the prejudice thoughts that prevail in this country. For many years in the media the battle cry for White folk has been the "Indians are coming".  In the entertainment media and the news media, Native people were made to look as the fool, the screaming Indian attacking on their saddle-less horse wearing only a loin clothe and carrying a spear, bearing down on a poor crying and screaming White woman, only to be shot deat at the last second by a couragous cowboy or soilder.  The new title will also work as a rallying cry to the divisive dysfunctionality that plagues our people. Letting them know that they serve a purpose in this new entity. That is not just about Chiefs and their honorariums but now about the people and the battle that is about to be waged.

In addition Perry and the Chiefs have done away the Grand Chief title and are going with the new title of General. The regional Grand Chiefs like that of the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs will also start to change their constitutions to reflect the change in direciton. They will be Generals as well, but single star Generals. Perry will be IAC's Four Star General. The General title is to highlight the historic relationship with government. The departments that dealt with Indians were of the military and police portions of government. In each community the Chiefs will keep the title of Chief but many will also refer to themselves as Govenor when dealing with outside representatives of Canada, ie. bureaucrats, dignitaries. Govenor as to represent the significance of the once relationships with Kings and Queens of England.

IAC will change its structural mechanics. The regional Vice-Grand Chiefs will be done away with immediately. In its place will be the Head-Woman. The Head-Woman will be chosen by the Women of the communities in each province. The IAC knows that the strength is from the Woman. So regardless of who the General is; man or Woman, there will always be strong Woman voices in the new organization. Head-Woman is a homage to the Headman days of the Buffalo hunt in the Praries. Known for cunning, leadership and for foresight, the title is fitting for our Women.

A full list of Head-Women will be made available at the National Gathering. Contact regional Generals for more information.

Watch out Canada the Indians Are Coming.
Indian General

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