Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Cross Lake Cree Nation: Enters Adult Entertainment Industry - Sex Toys Sell

Cross Lake or as it is locally know, Pimicikamak Cree Nation realizes that it needs more economic development for the people in the community. The Reserve is located in northern Manitoba and does not have access to a large population.  While a number of Bands have chosen to get into the Gaming industry for a means of creating jobs in their communities, Pimicikamak knows that a Casino is just not viable in their area. So they are looking into an industry that is recession proof and knows no prejudice; the sex industry.

As the Chief Merrick stated in her media release; "we are not gambling".  The Band is relying on the lure of the sex toy industry to break barriers and get people excited about the community and their people. Finding a way into the industry is the hard part. The Band economic development officer sought out advice from an Elder. As Elder David Blacksmith can attest; "there is no bottom when it comes to the depravity of man".  With those wise words in mind Ec Dev guru of Cross Lake went to the City of Sin to gain some insight.

It was there that he had a revelation; "we bring the sex to our community and export it out". The Woman's Council of Pimicikamak asked: "What kind of sex would people be interested in?"  How do we export  sex was question asked by Council members. George Muswaggon an advisor to the Band, said that "sex is not the answer, we need a different package". But the Ec Dev officer, boasted by his visit with Sin City (he was accompanied by Elder Blacksmith on their 10 day trip), said that the act of sex is beautiful and we need to get it out there for the public to consume.  Still the Chief was not sold on the idea. After all sex is but one product, the community needs diversity, needs economic stimulus.

It was the combined efforts of the Council, the Elder, the Advisor and the Ec Dev officer that they came up with a business model.  They would not be selling sex but a new product for sex. The condom industry is a hard industry to break into. After all you got a Senator brand-Trojan and all of the other different types. And there are two many toys out there and manufacturing the toys would not be feasible. You would have to compete with the import toys and all those cheap manufacturing costs of China.  So what could Cross Lake do?  They are bringing a new product to market.  A product so perfect that everyone would want one.

It is the "FUN GLOVE". A new sex toy on the market. It is designed and modeled after the fun condom:

The Fingers of the glove 
The key to the new product is that can be used by one person as oppose to two people. Instead of buying one and keeping in your wallet to never be used, the Fun Glove can be used anytime by just about anyone. You can use it for two orifices and not just one. You can use by yourself. You see the palm of the Fun Glove will also incorporate texture for even more fun.  Best of all it is safe. It is made of fine latex and feels like the smooth touch of real skin.

The Council are ecstatic over the new product.
They plan to house a maufacturing plant in the community. After all every dollar that circulates in a community only makes it stronger. As of date trial runs are being produced in Bangladesh.  If the market test is successful ground breaking is expected to take place spring 2016.

While the sex industry has proven successful due to derpraved souls everywhere, there is also buzz in the community about testing out the Cannabis market. Medical Cannabis (Weed, Marijuana) plants is a new growth market that is largely untapped. Council is high on the idea of becoming the big dog in the Cannabis industry.

Kudos to the Cross Lake intiative. They are thinking ahead of the curve and banking on the depraved.

For more information please contact:

Darwin Paupanakis

Secretary to the Four Councils

Pimicikamak Okimowin
P.O. Box 399
Cross Lake, Manautoba CANADA
R0B 0J0


1 comment:

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